Position Type:
Support Staff - Other/Grow your Own
Date Posted:
Date Available:
2024-25 School Year
Closing Date:
open until filled
Grow Your Own Teacher candidates for eligible support staff employees
Job Summary:
D51’s Grow Your Own program is designed to cultivate the talents of eligible Support Staff who are vested in our community and interested in becoming teachers. D51 will be providing $5,000 financial assistance for up to 10 Support Staff to take part in an Alternative Licensure / TEE program.
This program is aimed to help address teacher shortages and promote a culture in D51 that is inclusive and supportive of the District’s diverse population.
All eligible Support Staff that meet the criteria are encouraged to apply for assistance.
There will be priority given for applicants who submit an application prior to 08/01/2024 who meet the below criteria:
(This list is in no specific order)
- Minority candidates
- Males pursuing becoming elementary teachers (does not include specials),
- Those obtaining licensure for hard to fill positions
- Special Education
- Mathematics/Science
- Career/Technical
- World Languages/CLD
For Support Staff to be considered for the program you must:
- Have been employed with the district for a minimum of 90 contact days;
- Hold a Bachelor's Degree
- Not be on an improvement plan
- Be offered a certified teaching position in D51
- For Substitutes to be considered for the program you must:Hold a Bachelor's Degree, and 3 or 5 year sub license
- Substitute 120 sub assignments during the 2021-22 school year
- Have been an active substitute for at least one school year
- To be eligible as a Support Staff member or Substitute you must meet the following requirements:Meet the minimum requirements of the alternative licensure program(http://cde.state.co.us/cdeprof/resources)
- Hold a Bachelor’s degree
- Choose an endorsement area (ie. Elementary education, Mathematics) and demonstrate competence
- For Elementary or Sped, you must pass
- For Secondary, your degree must be in the content area OR you must hold 24 semester hours (approved by CDE) or pass an appropriate content test
- Submit an application for alternative license prior to employment to be vetted by CDE for content requirements and be approved showing an “alternative license pending employment/program” status. This is active for one year.
- Cost is $90 application fee to CDE for the Alternative License and $39.50 fingerprint background fee to CBI (this is required for all teachers even if they have been fingerprinted for D51)
- Apply for and be offered a position and agreement
- Teaching position must match the endorsement area that the person has been approved for by CDE
- An Agreement with a state-approved designated agency that offers an approved alternative teacher prep program
- Notify CDE of position by submitting the requisite documentation through their eLicensing account to include:
- Completed Statement of Assurance (signed by District)
- Copy of contract to obtain Alt License
- Being approved for an Alternative Teaching License is not a guarantee of being selected to receive the $5000 assistance
Application Procedure:
Apply Online
If you have any questions or would like additional information please contact
- Carter Ness @ 970-254-5136 or extension 11131
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