Research Scientist/Senior Research Scientist position in Observational Astrophysics
The Columbia Astrophysics Laboratory (CAL) at Columbia University in the City of New York invites applications for a Research Scientist or Senior Research Scientist position in the area of observational astrophysics.
The successful candidate will advance and expand the research programs in CAL by leading a forefront scientific research program within the broad areas of astronomy and astrophysics made possible by new space-based observatories such as, but not limited to, the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST). The selected candidate will formulate and conduct leading independent and original astrophysical research using public or proprietary datasets, incorporating ancillary observational data, simulations, and/ or theoretical models, as appropriate to accomplish their research objectives. The astrophysicist will consult and collaborate with the CAL scientific staff to pursue new ground-based and space-based research programs. The astrophysicist will participate actively in the national and international astrophysical community and will contribute to the increase and diffusion of knowledge through seminars, outreach, and supervision of students at Columbia, in addition to writing and publishing peer-reviewed scientific research articles.
Candidates for professional officer of research positions are expected to have established their ability to conduct original, independent scientific research, and have a strong record of attracting grant support. To hold the senior rank, candidate’s qualifications and contributions to their fields of research must be equivalent to those of a full professor; for the rank of research scientist, the equivalency is with the qualifications and contributions of an associate professor. All candidates for all officer of research positions are expected to be able to work well in a team and to communicate effectively the results of their research activities both orally and in writing.
The level of appointment is commensurate with experience. The position may begin as early as July 1, 2023. Offers at the Research Scientist and Senior Research Scientist level are contingent upon review and approval of Columbia’s academic review committees. The position is renewable based on satisfactory performance and funding.
This position requires that the research scientist or senior research scientist identify and attract external funding to fully support their salary and research agenda.
Candidates must also have: