Assistant Vice Provost, Native American Initiatives

University of Arizona

Duties and Responsibilities:

1. Campus Community Building—Native Student Engagement

  • Coordinate campus resources to develop and implement programs and initiatives that provide innovative transitions for Native students that ensure their enrollment, persistence, academic success, and career preparation;
  • Integrate systems and services that support Native student recruitment, engagement, financial aid, student support services, and cultural identity;
  • Engage with University Analytics & Institutional Research to develop effective data collection to accurately assess Native student success including data related to Native student enrollment, persistence, retention, academic achievement, research engagement, and graduation to assess the effectiveness of initiatives;
  • Organize and participate in outreach events to connect with prospective Native American students and build a sense of community on campus;
  • Work with tribal education departments and Tribal Colleges & Universities to better recruit and support Native students transitioning to/from the UArizona;
  • Work with the Office of Scholarships and Financial Aid to streamline financial aid and scholarship processes for Native students, addressing barriers to entry and making the process and supports more accessible;

2. Campus Community Building—Faculty Advancement

  • Foster a sense of belonging among Native faculty and staff through material support of programing, staffing, training, and community engagement;
  • Support the development of a learning community that is safe, respectful, and welcoming for Native faculty across disciplines;
  • Support the development of standardized training and course curricula to increase awareness and understanding of the contributions of Native Nations and to improve community based participatory research with Native Nations;
  • Effectively collaborate with UArizona’s Native and non-Native scholars, faculty, and staff to enhance Native ways of knowing, thinking, and learning, and to incorporate culture into curriculum, experiential learning, research, and co-curricular activities;
  • Work to establish respect for Native traditions, knowledges, and perspectives to inform programming and curricula across colleges and including approaches to issues-oriented, policy-relevant, and community-engaged research.

3. Programmatic Development:

  • Provide leadership in the implementation and advancement of the Native American Initiatives 2022-2027 Strategic Plan;
  • Partner with the Office of Native American Advancement & Tribal Engagement to further cultivate relationships with Native American communities, organizations, and leaders to create partnerships that support the university’s goals and enhance the overall experience of Native students, faculty, staff, and tribal communities;
  • Collaborate with the Native American Advisory Council to sustain community-driven partnerships and advocacy for Native students, faculty, and Native initiatives.
  • Maintain accurate inventory of Native American serving initiatives across the institution to support strategic planning, reporting, and coordination of university effort and resources;
  • Advocate for systematic reporting and representation in campus climate assessments to inform strategy development, address barriers, and create opportunities for Native American serving initiatives;
  • Provide regular data-based reports to university leadership, highlighting progress, challenges, and recommendations for improvement;
  • Collaborate in the coordination of university efforts, systems, programs, and processes to maximizes resources and support services contributing to the success of Native students, faculty, staff, and communities.
  • Collaborate with Arizona State University, Northern Arizona University, Tribal Colleges and Universities, and other institutions to support the overall goals of Native Nations, students, and faculty.

Knowledge, Skills and Abilities:

  • Lived experience of Native worldviews, cultures, and values, with understanding of diverse Indigenous knowledge systems, epistemologies, and Native research methodologies.
  • Knowledge and practice of cross-cultural relationship building at the academic and community level.
  • Development of educational initiatives, programs, and transformative practices in support of Native student success.
  • Ability to effectively articulate Native perspectives on current and emerging issues to diverse audiences.
  • Ability to effectively engage external Native American communities and stakeholders to support
  • Indigenous community-engaged research, teaching, and learning.
  • Proven understanding of and appreciation for the culture of a university and the value of different approaches to scholarly, creative, professional, and cultural activities.
  • Academic credibility demonstrated through a record of scholarly and professional achievement.
  • Knowledge and ability to support Native faculty research, tenure and promotion, leadership, and advancement.
  • Knowledge of issues and challenges facing Native American students in higher education.
  • Strong analytical and data-driven decision-making skills.
  • Experience with receiving external funding through grants or other outside support.
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