A candidate recently sat in an envious position. With job offers from Zenefits and Uber, which are both well funded start-ups backed by first class venture firms, what should that candidate choose?
Naturally, they wanted some advice on making the perfect choice, so the candidate turned to the Quora community “What is the best way to start my career: Uber or Zenefits?”. For what its worth — the post got some great responses from the community. Not such a great response from Zenefits, which rescinded the offer.
Maybe the problem is the public question. Maybe its displaying naiveté like this on a public scale:
My biggest problem with Zenefits is that it isn’t a buzzword like Uber. Most people won’t know what Zenefits is (or so I think). I think that this isn’t as exciting a brand name to have on your resume when applying to the likes of Google.
Zenefits has been in business 2 years and shown enough promise to raise over $500MM. Maybe the candidate should have just done some research. Oh well, the Uber offer still stands. So far.
Takeaway — companies have feelings too! Companies want to see passion. Especially startups who are trying to change the world. Trying to figure out how to navigate your career? Turn to us instead.